A History of our Faith

July 15

The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in mercy.

Psalm 103:8

"How reasonable it is to trust ourselves to the keeping of God's infinite love and infinite wisdom!

Thomas Erskine

Boo thought: Last night at our women's Bible Study we completed Henry Blackaby's study, When God Speaks. We highlighted what we had been impacted by these last weeks. One young woman shared the importance of the idea of having a history of our faith. We keep resumes and a history of our work/volunteer accomplishments. We have baby books/photo albums with pictorial histories of our lives, but where is there record of the history of our faith to pass on to future generations? The Psalms were David's record of his faith! Be blessed today by Psalm 103 from:

Psalms Now 103

My heart bursts with praises to God: every fiber of my being reaches out in rejoicing!

How can I ever forget His many blessings? He forgives all my sins; He touches my afflictions with healing; He snatches me back from the gaping jaws of hell; He covers me with concerns and love; He fulfills my deepest desires and give me meaning for life and purpose for living.

God is a God of judgement and justice, but He sides with those who need His help. He is angry with those who persistently rebel against Him, but He pours out His love on those who turn to Him. He does not give us our just desserts, of pay us what we well deserve. He is grieved when we so miserably fall, but He quickly draws us to His forgiving heart and accepts us just as if it never happened. He looks with tenderness at His faltering children; He knows and understands our fallible natures.

God's human creatures are pitiful pictures of weakness. Now and then one will, like a streaking meteor, blaze out across the skies of time only to become a smoking cinder at the end of the short journey. But those who are joined to God's loving will and purposes become the objects of His eternal mercy and righteousness.

Rejoice with me you who are His invisible servants and you who hear and obey His voice. Shout His praises you who are His children and you who serve as His ministers and priests.

There is no time for despair and discouragement. Whoever and wherever you are, lift your hearts in praises to God.

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