
January 24-25
Reminisce-recall to mind of a long-forgotten experience or fact; the process or practice of thinking or telling about past experiences.

Last night we attended a couple's dinner with my ladies' Bunko group. We
have been together fifteen years! I had to chuckle to myself as I looked
at the majority of us having to pull out our reading glasses to be able
to see the dots on the dice! We only gather every two months and while
there are new occurrences (children's weddings, grand babies, parents' deaths)
to discuss, the greatest joy seems to come from reminiscing about days gone

When I have the opportunity to celebrate birthdays with friends I like to
ask them to look back and share a memory from each decade of their life.
This morning doing my Bible study, I thought, how often do I take time to
reminisce about the amazing life of Christ and how it impacted those who
walked with him on earth. Equally as important, how have I seen His life
and His love impact those of us who walk with Him by faith?

Let's try this exercise (yesterday's word) today.
Reminisce about five powerful Bible memories, maybe ones you wish you
had experienced like: being at the birth of Jesus, attending the wedding
where the water changed to wine, seeing the dove descend when John was
baptizing Jesus and hearing God's voice say, "This is my Son, with whom
I am well pleased."

Now reflect back on five personal God experiences you will never forget!
The day you prayed to ask Jesus into your heart.
A time you cried out to Him to take away a pain that was unbearable.
A verse your read or sermon you heard that left you telling God...
"You sent that just for me didn't You?"
A site you saw that reminded you there is a Creator.
A time you stepped out of your comfort and obeyed the Lord's calling.

Let's Pray: Memories light the corners of our minds,
Father. Memories of how You have loved us, who You sacrificed for us,
and how close You remain to us! While we pray for joy in our earthly
relationships today, we also pray for unforgettable memories to be made
with You. Memories that will will reminisce about into eternity.
In Jesus' Name, Amen

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