
February 3

Cause-(v)to compel by command, authority, or force;
(n)something that brings about an effect or a result

It was the three o'clock hot flash that had me awake and
hearing today's word:cause.
Teaching middle school language arts we learn how
tricky our vocabulary can be with words serving duel
purposes. Our hearts and minds can trick us as well
when we are trying to discern if we are hearing the
Lord or the enemy. God is good and speaks in love
wanting to build up, not destroy. When we hear
thoughts to the contrary we need to beware!

Often people ask..."Did God cause an event to happen?"
We also ask..."What it the cause for the way we respond
to various situations?"

When we endure hardship, others will question how we are
coping. We might respond..."Cuz I know God loves me and He
is on His throne and His angels are watching over me!"

The Bible is full of events that were caused by God.
Acts 10:40 has an awesome one in reference to Jesus:
...but God raised him from the dead on the third
day and caused him to be seen

My prayer today for us is simple...Lord, may the radiance
of our faith in You, cause others to want to
claim You as their Savior and Lord. In Jesus Name, Amen

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