You've Got to be Kidding

May 29

Remember my nocturnal friend, Mr. Whippoorwill, on the volleyball post
outside our bedroom window? Last night I was up until after 1:30AM
putting the finishing touches on a Treasure Hunt and Obstacle Course
for our school's Final FUN Day today! I had invited two of our 7th
grade girls to spend the night to help out one of the mothers who was
having a medical procedure. (Ah, the benefits of a tiny school.)
The good news was the other parents and students are not to arrive
until 9AM, so I told the girls we can sleep in. But no, at 5AM while
it was still dark, our whippoorwill decides to get in one final outburst
right outside our window.
Whip-poor-will or GET YOURSELF UP, he screamed at me.
My eyeballs hurt and I am already anticipating an afternoon nap!

I have a very godly friend who would say, don't look at this as why did
this have to happen, look at this as what is God doing by having me up
at this wonderful quiet time of the day! husband is out
burying the treasure before the girls get up and see him...I better
go check on him.

Yesterday was an emotional day. We had been awaiting MRI results on our
youngest, who has struggled for over a year with excruciating back pain.
He called from Alabama to say the test was normal. This mama reaction was
PTL. For my son, the reaction was total frustration and "I want to know
what is wrong with me."

My sweet friend said, "Tell him instead of asking why is this happening to me,
to ask what is God trying to teach me." Motherly instinct tells me it is
best to wait for a face to face visit to spread such spiritual wisdom.

My students helped me create watercolor bookmarks for several people who
have made donations towards a financial goal I am trying to achieve for
scholarships for our school. One young man simply painted "God is Love."
Those are powerful words to remember when we hit the rough spots in life.

This is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son
to be the propitiation for our sins.
1 John 4:10

To that I say..."You've Got to be Kidding" what enormous love!

Up and off to expect great things from the Lord today. I wish you all
could be here to see our final celebration!

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