
July 22

Blockage:an act or instance of obstructing.

Torrential rains exposed a blockage in one of our gutters which had
collected debris. Moses has an ear infection which has resulted in
drainage collecting and pus obstructing his ear canal. There are other
blockages which occur and bring pain and discomfort, but one of the
worst is when we feel there is something obstructing our ability to
hear from the Lord.

Busy schedules and life's distractions can certainly rob us from our
God connection. The Word is clear that sin and unforgiveness build
up a communication wall.

If I had cherished sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened.
Psalm 66:18

Last night I awakened from a dream where I was teaching Sunday School and
the children would not listen. Some were coloring, others had Lego
constructions going up in front of them, while some played house and dressed
baby dolls. Whoa, a powerful message for us as adults. I am convicted.
Yesterday, God said to me..."Come alone with me and listen." He was
drawing me down to the dock, but instead I got on the computer, answered
some phone calls, did several loads of wash, and picked up a novel I needed
to finish for school. Now I wonder what I missed.
In the middle of the night when I awakened from the dream I tried to listen
to the Lord, but my own mind kept drifting to today's to do list.
I cried out...
GOD,don’t shut me out; don’t give me the silent treatment.Psalm 83:1

Just now my husband walked in and shared a huge answer to a prayer I had told
no one about...not even him! God whispered over my shoulder...I hear you
child..take time to hear from Me!

Let's Pray:
Oh Abba, Daddy dear
Please to us be always near
And when our minds begin to fear
May we turn to You and clearly hear!

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