
August 19

God makes me smile. Waiting on a word "calliope" is what came to
mind out of no where! Well, even The Message didn't come through on
a verse for that one! The definition is:"a keyboard musical instrument
resembling an organ and consisting of a series of whistles sounded by
steam or compressed air."
Hmmm, I searched blowing off steam in The Message as well...not to be
found, but there were tons of verses referring to 'hot air".

Psalm 98:4 says:
Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all the earth:
make a loud noise, and rejoice, and sing praise.

Start off trying this in the shower, then maybe move to a mountain top.
For those of us who do not have fabulous voices, we may be a bit
timid during corporate worship to belt out our praises. Oh, let's let
off a little steam and let our praises flow...praise sounds wonderful to
the Lord no matter who is making it.

Let's Praise: Today Father, we simply come to praise
You. Creator, Redeemer, Sustainer, Communicator, Light of our lives...
the One who sent Jesus out of pure love for us... we praise Your name on
high and shout Hallelujah is the Lord God Almighty! There is none like
You! Receive our praise! We lift our voices to You. In Jesus Name, Amen

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