Remembered for...

September 17
We watched a DVD on Stonewall Jackson and Robert E. Lee in preparation for a school field trip to Lexington. One of the other teachers and I said we kept getting chill bumps from the tales which were told. What godly men! Over and over again the story line referred to the faith of these men. Jackson was truly a man who prayed without ceasing and was excited to see Jesus, even at the young age of 39. He said he had always wanted to die on the Lord's day and his wish was fulfilled.
The video spoke also of the admiration the troops had for Jackson and a total trust in him.
What a great way to be remembered...a man of great faith who prayed without ceasing and was totally trustworthy.
Hey, Jesus has the same legacy!

Let's Pray For generations You have been praised Father. From the beginning of time "faithful" has been added to your name. What an amazing reputation You have. May the footprints we leave behind, the memories in our
photo albums and the ones ingrained in others hearts leave a yearning for others to know You and love You as we do. In Jesus' Name, Amen

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