
February 1

Never before have I seen Smith Mt Lake frozen over. Saturday, amidst the storm the water looked like an ocean with white caps. Then yesterday morning I looked out and it was motionless and covered in ice. I think you could walk across the shallow waters on the backside of our property.

How often does our faith become frozen? Our hearts harden and the flow of the Holy Spirit, which is to be used for God's purpose and to bring him glory, becomes stagnant.

God sent His Son and established his Word to be life giving forces which produce a cyclical effect. We take in the Word, feed upon it and then give off to others the hope,joy,love and wisdom which spring forth from being with the Lord.

Sometimes we just need to "chill out" and let the warmth, which comes from the love of the Lord, rule in our lives.

Today is the first of February! The "Love Month"! Let's challenge ourselves to intentionally "show the love" of Christ to someone each day this month.

“You are forgiving and good, O Lord, abounding in love to all who call to you.”-
Psalms 86:5

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