
May 10

Apathy-lack of feeling or emotion; a lack of interest or concern; indifference.

Last week the Lord put this word on my heart, but I really didn't care. (Smile)
Yesterday, listening to Michael Youssef online his sermon was on his greatest fear for the church...apathy. For too long we have let too much go and we have not stood strong for our faith. Seldom are we heard proclaiming who Christ is in our lives.

A joy of Mother's Day is receiving cards and calls from children who affirm that you have meant something to their lives. How often do we do that for Jesus? Christmas and Easter? Even those times His personal sacrifice gets lost in the celebrating.

Lord, we stop right now and bow before You, the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last. You are sovereign over all, yet we strut around at times as if in total control. Forgive us for our selfish pride. We put You in your rightful place..on the throne of our lives and we come before You saying..."Have your way today Lord, be glorified in each of our lives." As we look at the wonder of spring, may our hearts connect with You, our Creator. May our love for You, the peace that comes from knowing nothing catches You by surprise, and the joy of communion with You as your children be written across our faces so that others are drawn to You through our lives. In Jesus' name, Amen

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