So Let's Sow Confidence

August 29
Rolling down the hill to the dock, in a joyful stupor from 4 elated days with our grandson, I hungered for quiet time with the Lord. I began with seeking forgiveness for not making the time for Him and placing all my focus on this precious child. What ensued was some of the sweetest fellowship ever and a load of lessons to share this week.
The first one comes from the words in The Help which are still echoing in my mind, "You is kind, You is smart, You is important". Imparting those words to our grandchildren is what I see as a huge part of the role of grandparenting. Being an encourager. I think it was in Secrets of the Secret Place that I read (paraphrased) this yesterday. "Paul didn't just say, "I have confidence in you" when he was addressing his brothers and sisters in the faith in Galatia and Philippi. He added, "I have confidence in the Lord that He can work in you what is pleasing to Him."
While I praised our grandson, pointed out his strengths and the amazing way God has created him, and spoke words of "Be all that God intends for you to be" and assured him I was praying for him this lesson yesterday has pointed out the importance of imparting the knowledge that it is God who will equip him to do the things which are pleasing to God.

While I do think as a parents we took seriously the role of helping our children discern their spiritual gifts I am not sure we elevated some of the pressures of being successful by pointing out that when we are in the Lord's will He will equip us for the tasks ahead.

Think of the pressure difference in telling someone you have "confidence in them" and the statement you have "confidence in the Lord working through them".

That was a biggie for me! Got to getaway with Him again today. Hope you can too!

So, let's sow the Word of God into some hearts today!

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