A Mixed Bag Musically

December 10-12
We worshipped at The Wave yesterday. It is a Hillsong church plant out of Australia. JOY filled is the phrase that stayed with me from the moment we entered the building until we drove away. Eleven children were dedicated to the Lord (2 of our grandchildren) and a passionate message on the Holy Spirit was preached. While I was not familiar with any of the music, the worship was infectious. To see our three year old grandson praising Jesus in such a setting thrilled my heart. Now the music can be a bit loud for the little ones so they provide headphones!
Forgive me Hillsong for not featuring one of your songs today, but as I stood there holding our grandson, watching the big screen flash pictures of God's galaxies, I whispered in this little fellow's ear....God made everyone of those stars and He took time to make you too. He loves you so much and has great plans for you!
So I am mixing up the bag of musical artists and leading you to Chris Tomlin's song called Glory in the Highest from his Christmas album.

Glory to God in the highest,
And on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased.
Luke 2:14

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