The Fullness of His Love

February 15
The double whammy happened the other day where the same scripture reference was used in two different devotionals. The context of both was the BOLD faith of the hemorrhaging women, who reached out to touch Jesus' robe in a crowd, hoping to be healed.
Spurgeon's take on this passage in Luke chapter 8 was directed towards the woman's ignorance in thinking virtue came out of Christ by a law of necessity, without His knowledge or direct will. He goes on to discuss the fact she was a stranger to Jesus' generosity and felt like she needed to steal a cure.
"Misery should always place itself right in the face of mercy."
He goes on to write: "After she obtained the cure, she rejoiced with trembling. She was glad that the divine virtue had worked a miracle in her, but she feared lest Christ might retract the blessing and cancel the grant of His grace. Little did she comprehend the fullness of his love. We do not have as clear a view of Him as we could wish. We do not know the heights and depths of His love, but we know with certainty that He is too good to withdraw from a trembling soul the gift that it has been able to obtain. But here is the marvel of it; little as her knowledge was, her faith, because it was real faith, saved her."

Oh, that we could have a clear view of the fullness of Christ's love for us. When we see Him face to face we are going to be blown away. No greater love!

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