Shout Hallelujah

March 5
This is such a God thing! The other day I was outside on our screened porch digging deeply in the Word. Towards the end of an amazing time with the Lord, He said, "Shout hallelujah."
Well, one of our sons was home and I knew his bedroom door was open right below me, also there was a fisherman in a boat and construction workers across the cove and sound does travel over water, so I was feeling rather timid. My compromise was to quietly say, "Hallelujah." I think God cleared his throat and said, "My command was shout." So I raised the volume of my voice slightly and said, "Hallelujah." I still was wandering in disobedience. By this time my husband had arrived home from work and was getting out of his car. I gave the quickest shout of "hallelujah" I could muster up and ran in the house. So wherever you are, stop and think about how much God loves you.
The next day I received this email from God-tube. Check out the chickies shouting hallelujah!
Think about the lengths He has gone to in providing a way for us to access heaven and SHOUT..."Hallelujah."

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