The Double Whammy

September 12
My head was spinning from an overload I had allowed it to consume.  My husband came home from work in the same condition.  Had I been "tuned in" as I wrote about earlier, I would have received the message God had for me through my husband's experience.  Fortunately, I opted for a quiet time with the Lord the next day and I didn't miss the lesson.  God even gave me a review that same afternoon when I tuned into the Revive Our Hearts daily radio show.  Nancy Leigh DeMoss had this to say about how we react when trials or trouble strike:

You go where you can find God.  That's where you turn. 
You don't ultimately turn to your husband. 
You don't ultimately turn to your friends.  
You ultimately turn to God. 

God just made me smile as I went to Biblegateway to look for the reference on the all familiar verse..Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Mt 11:28 
Typing in the phrase "come to me" there were 566 verses which popped up!

We need to go, go, go to Him everyday!

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