An Angel's Story or The Dirty Devil's Dance

I am in the midst of a computer nightmare. I am not able to send out any emails and both laptops have no memory left, therefore they cannot function.  We met with Apple personnel (not a fun thing to do a few days before Christmas, what a mad  house) who informed us we will very likely lose all the data.  A program I've enjoyed using called Smilebox, along with the high resolution in the photos I take, have zapped my laptops. One computer has already deleted my complete photo file. (I know, it is not of eternal value.)  The desk top we wanted was not available in the store, so it will be after Christmas before this arrives.  I will not be available by computer for a few days.   If this is the last devotional post until after Christmas…Merry Christmas…I love you and Jesus does too!

December 23
Last week I read an intriguing, Max Lucado, mini book called "An Angel's Story…The First Christmas from Heaven's View."  I highly recommend this quick read.  The back cover states…
"We know the Christmas characters well.  The chosen teenage girl. The surprised carpenter. The scared shepherds.
We know the Christmas story too.  The journey to Bethlehem. No room at the inn. A stable birth.
But could there be more?
In this best selling Christmas classic. Max Lucado pulls back the curtain and imagines the cosmic drama that accompanied that very first Christmas…from the perspective of an angel."

Check out these quotes from this 30 minute spiritual thriller!  Be aware of the battle all around you even today!

"I drew my sword and turned to do battle with Lucifer."  Gabriel
"What are you staring at Gabriel?" Lucifer sneered. "Aren't you glad to see me?"

"You speak so confidently," replied the Father, astounding me with His patience.
Lucifer stepped forward, his cloak dragging behind him. 'Of course! I thwart everything You do! You soften hearts, I harden them.  You teach truth, I shadow it.  You offer joy, I steal it.'

'Every act you have intended for evil, I have used for good.'
God the Father.
The story unfolds as the demons do their best to keep the baby Jesus from being born!  During this glorious season, may we not let down our guard to be on the alert for Spiritual danger.  Lucifer is still on the lurk and he comes to hurt, kill and destroy. Also, to distract believers from their God given purpose and detain those who have yet to receive the Lord from making their way to Jesus!

Our fight is not against people on earth
but against the rulers and authorities and the powers of this world's darkness,
against the spiritual powers of evil in the heavenly world.
Ephesians 6:12

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