
 Our two beautiful expectant daughter in laws.

July 25
The other night a friend, who had been ministering to a neighbor for some time, asked a group of us "Why don't people pray more?"  She had witnessed dire situations in the family she was helping, but was amazed they didn't turn to prayer.

I had a long "to do" list for the day, but didn't dare start without putting in time with the Lord first.
Was it because I truly expect to hear from Him or was it out of reverence, fear, habit?

The word expect comes from  the Latin word expectare-look out for.  Today when we go to the Lord in prayer, let's go with hearts of expectancy, which are looking out for God to do great things.

In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice;
in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.
Psalm 5:3 

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