A Willing Spirit

Restore to me the joy of your salvation and 
grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.
Psalm 51:12

October 21
Have you lost your joy lately?  It's easy to do.  Just the other day in a store/restaurant, the down-troddenness of others was about to wipe my smile away.  One lady had her nose in the air and made eye contact with no one,  while a couple at the next table must have eaten grumble grits for breakfast.  Then up across from a pile of potatoes in the produce section popped a young man from our church. He didn't know my name, but recognizing my face said, "Hey, I will see you at church tomorrow!"  I flashed my crooked smile back at  him.  Let's make our joy contagious!

The joy that salvation through Christ brings us is cable of sustaining us through any storm, if we are willing spirits!

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