Dear John 19 - Stand By Your Man

 Here are a couple fun throw backs of me by my man!
Funny, in this first picture we had just had our 4th child in three years, we look shell shocked.
By the time of the second picture we had 6 children, but must have been sleeping more.

January 19
Chapter 19 of John holds much heaviness. The sentencing of Jesus, the horrific crucifixion, death and burial of Christ.  Again, like the arrest scene in the garden, I find myself wanting to turn my head from the betrayal and cruelty in this part of Jesus' story.  No, I can't sit through scary movies either and covered my eyes through much of The Passion of Christ.

Reading this chapter I did come across something I've never noticed..all THREE women at the foot of the cross were named Mary!

Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother, 
his mother's sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene.  v. 25

While I don't like to watch cruelty, I'd like to think I would have been as faithful as these women to stand by Jesus to the very end.  The depth of their love, loyalty and compassion must have been treasured by Christ.  John was there also, but he is the only disciple noted.

In life we are called to stand in some uncomfortable places…by the bed of a suffering or dying loved one, by someone scorned by an unfaithful spouse, by a child/friend/self facing painful accusations, in the light as others flash glares of distain and judgement for many kinds of failure, and yes, more and more often it is becoming socially unacceptable to stand for Christ.

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