Even When the Rain Comes Down...

 Rainy days have purpose!

June 27-28
I told you all about the "scripture note hunt" the Bible study gals left in the house.  It was a day later before I saw this little fellow!  His tag reads:  "Even when the rain comes down...the Shepherd is making blessings bloom just for you!

"We can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good."
Romans 8:28 The Message


That particular morning I also had a chat with God.  My thoughts sounded like this..."Why do you pile so much on us?  Like when my sister in law was found dead, then days later I had to watch my Daddy die, and two days after that Moses, our beloved bulldog, had to be put down.  God, the past two weeks have been a boat load to handle."  Ugh...here comes the response: "It's your tendency to lean towards self-sufficiency.  Sometimes it takes that much for you to really need ME.  Remember, I am a jealous God who wants to be in close relationship with you."  OK, I get it.

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