A Cheerful Heart

The nurses gave the boys popsicles when they came to visit.
September 22
(BettyAshton again..helping type this for Mom)

I just asked my nurse to put my life verse on the erasable board as a daily reminder.
Be joyful alway, pray without ceasing, in all things give thanks."  I Thessalonians 5:16-18

On Biblegateway yesterday was a great verse to memorize for this first full week of therapy.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.  2 Corinthians 13:14

Sunday our VA Beach grands called to FaceTime.  Our oldest grandson looked at me and said, "Mama Boo, you look younger, I think you've lost a few pounds!" I said, I definitely have. He said, "Well, don't you go eating too much now!"
Laughter is good for the soul.

Speaking of laughter...Saturday I had visitors and while they were here I needed the nurse to take me to the bathroom.  All the time at the other hospital I'd been in a hospital gown and no panties, because it was easier with the lack of mobility I had for them to care for me in that manner. Saturday a nurse showered me and I put panties on under my night gown.  Bladder issues are a huge concern after a stroke.  They had been ultra sounding my bladder to be sure those muscles were working.  As I sat on the potty I called to the nurse and said, "Rita, something really doesn't feel right."  Then I realized I had never pulled down my panties.  We all laughed and laughed!

My husband opened a fortune cookie which accompanied the anniversary dinner he brought in from PF Changs. (Another perk of a stroke in a major city.)  It read:
"Your kind heart will be most important this month."  I hope so!  Today I had my first group lunch as part of occupational therapy.  I was the new girl around the table today and it was nice to be with people who are ahead of me in stroke recovery.  The kindness and sympathy we had for each other was heartwarming.  They cheered me on as I persevered to open my first tab top and tear open a salad dressing packet.  Instead of napkins, we each had a towel to catch the food that might drip out of our mouths!  God does use the experience of our trials to equip us to encourage those going through a similar struggle.

Our youngest son called to say he's coming in town October 2nd for "Operation get mom out of there"!

By My Side-Jesus, Betty Ashton, Samantha, N-Linda/Rebecca/Teresa PT-Jean OT-Mary ST-Teresa

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