Never Misunderstood

November 28
Spending this week with family was wonderful.  Possibly a bit much for my brain to take in at this point, but it was worth the overload.  A huge thanks to our son and daughter-in-love for hosting us with such graciousness in their beautiful new home.
Not feeling well at all yesterday morning, one family member inquired, "What's wrong?"  I realized these ailments (brain exhaustion) are so different that it's actually hard to describe.  Then I opened Psalm 139 and realized there is someone who knows all there is to know about me!  There is no need to describe any symptoms...physical or emotional.

Hopefully, you are still in thankful mode.  Join me in thanking the Lord for these characteristics of his:

Thank you for
...searching me and knowing me
...understanding my thoughts from far away
...observing my travels an my rest
...being aware of all my ways
...placing your hand on me
...having extraordinary knowledge
...knitting me together in my mother's womb
...writing all my days in Your book

We often misunderstood, but that's never the case with God!

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