A Set Time

My sister in law needle pointed this pillow for me over 30 years ago!
December 17
Feeling terrible, on occasion lately, there have been times I asked the Lord to just take me home if I wasn't going to get to where I felt and functioned better.  The other night I told my husband what I was praying.   His reply was that we'd just see whose prayers God was listening to, because he was praying the opposite!

At one point, when I was suggesting to God it might just be best if he would have my heart stop right then and take me quickly home, he spoke a soft kindly reminder that He was God and it was best I not tell him what to do. When I opened Biblegateway the next morning and read the "Verse of the Day" the words "when the set time had fully come" jumped off the page.  God knows exactly what He's doing with my life, so I need to just chill and be thankful He's walking alongside me.

But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman,
born under the law, to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship.
Galatians 4:4-5 

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