No fear

"There is no fear in love, instead, perfect love drives out fear."
1 John 4:18

January 16-17
I was blessed to have an earthly father who was an amazing provider and problem solver.
His engineering mind solved many a stumbling block in a diversity of categories.  Because of these traits, I feared very little as a child.  Interestingly, looking back I realize he could never solve my mother's alcoholism or my sin...cover-up certain consequences yes, but not the heart issues.
Now he's gone, but You are still here Father.   You've allowed me to bask in your love, through all kinds of heartache, instead of face obstacles with fear.

Today, I pray for those who fear they will never marry or have children; for those sitting in nursing homes fearing no one will come visit or what death will be like; for those who desire to have a college education, but fear that reality will never come; for those who are fearful of legal complications and consequences from divorce, false accusations, or bad choices. Lord, may your love cover those who are trapped in the sex trade; addictions and famine not knowing where their next morsel of food will come from.  I lift up families facing horrific illnesses, which are robbing the life of a loved one and ravaging the families finances and peace.  Pour out Your love in ways which are unexplainable!  In Jesus' Name, the One who makes all things possible.  Amen

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