ABC- About Me

June 11-12
Recently, my husband and I came in from our morning walk and I headed out onto the screened porch  to cool down and invest in some quiet time.  I told the Lord that in an hour walk we only got through the letter "N" during our ABC prayers for others.  The idea came to me to go through the letters of the alphabet and find an area of my life for each letter which could use some fine tuning.
The suggestions just flew into my mind!  Obviously, there's room for lots of improvement.

A-Be ANXIOUS for nothing.
C-Cast all my cares on Him and be COMPASSIONATE
D-DWELL in the Presence of the Lord more often
E-EAT less and more healthily
F- FORGIVE quickly
I-INVEST in the lives of others
J- Do not be JEALOUS
K- Offer KINDNESS to all, especially strangers
N-Let nothing NASTY come out of my mouth
O-Offer hospitality without grumbling
P-PRAY without ceasing
Q-Be QUICK to listen
R-RESPECT others RESIST temptation
S-SHARE the gospel
T-TEACH my children/grandchildren about Jesus TAKE TIME to be still
U-pray for UNDERSTANDING of God's purpose for my life
V-VALUE others as God's cherished creations
W-WAIT on the Lord. Drink lots of WATER  :-)
X- eXAMINE myself and sinful tendencies daily
Y-YIELD to the Holy Spirit
Z-ZOOM through my chores so there's more time for the Lord and life!

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