Sweet Pea

Nothing like a gorgeous day to go biking!
This little one is a continuous smile!
February 1
God called me Sweet Pea!!!!
After working on a slideshow production for a couple hours, the task was complete and I went to send it. The screen screamed "Err, unable to upload." Are you kidding me?  The next prompt told me I needed to restart the program.  UGH.  Beginning again, I asked the Lord for patience and I prayed. God brought to mind that I had neglected to include an important recipient. Had it worked the first time, I would have been very embarrassed.  My mother always said, "God works in mysterious ways."  I say, "He's always watching out for me."

When I thanked Him, he said, "Sweet Pea, I love you and I've got your back!"  It thrilled my heart!

God will never walk away from his people, never desert his precious people. 
Psalm 94:12

When trials surface and frustrations fall upon us, we look to the Lord and trust He is always able to work things for the good of those who are called to his purpose!  (Romans 8:28)  

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