Happy Birthday to Our First Born

June 27
Happy Birthday to our first born! She's an amazing daughter, wife, mother and friend to many. It's such a blessing to have her here in the summers.  This year I've been less than spunky and she's been having to mother me.

She asked Jesus into her heart at 8 years old.  We had a dinner at our home for family and friends before heading to the church for her baptism. Our pastor was at our home and he suggested he take her on ahead to church so we could clean up and get all our family there.   Knowing she'd need an extra pair of underwear to change into after the baptism, she cheerfully looked up at this man and said, "Just let me get my underwear and I'll be right back!"  That took us all off guard!

It has been such an answer to prayer to watch her grow in her relationship with Christ and be sold out for Jesus.  She is a fabulous listener and knows how to speak the truth with compassion in a way it hits right at your heart.  I love her!

"Serve the Lord with gladness; come before Him with joyful singing."
Psalm 100:2 

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