Every Hour We Need Him

You can't say no, no matter the weather when people ask to be baptized!!!!
This grandmother in the center asked to be baptized and then
her granddaughter wanted to follow in her footsteps. Sweet family affair.
What an incredible blessing Monday afternoon was after 2 weeks of hurricane heartache.
September 13

I'm having some aggravating health issues and have had some awful sleepless nights Four people were baptized here at Shiloh Monday, so I think my pain is Devil dart related. While crying out to Jesus, there was the realization that there are mighty lessons to be learned through the pain. Lately, I've had a boatload of prayer needs for family members. Like the Dead Sea, I recognized I've been in a one way flow to God. All my requests have been going out, but I haven't been sitting listening to God's plans within and what he wants me to pour back out.

We did go with His flow hosting this baptism!

Sitting with God yesterday, He showed me how there are times he has to allow "the overload" in my life to get me to lay my burdens down and look to him.
We need to remember..."Every hour we need Him!"

Be blessed by Matt Maher  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e37m3I5eH8g

"Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, 
and you will find rest for your souls."  
Matthew 11:29 

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