Growing Up

This three year old performed a perfect lipstick application!

Keep those kisses coming!

November 29
The grands are growing so quickly, sometimes I think we should just sell Shiloh and make a continual grandparent circuit... Minnesota to Utah, to Louisiana, to Florida, to Tennessee and across Virginia. Then repeat the loop when the weather permits! They certainly all live in fabulous parts of the country.
There is such a desire to be aware of all their accomplishments, whether a first tooth, loosing a tooth, their favorite things and wishes and dreams. There are just so many of them and I must remember it's really all about Jesus, not just about grandchildren. Isn't it an amazing thought that God is omni present and aware of every detail in every life!  For this moment I stop and stand in awe of who He is and all He does.

This has been fabulous month to focus on the One who is the reason for our thankfulness and now we get to enter the precious Christmas season.  May we continue in praise and thanksgiving for our King.

November Gratitude:
"Father God, You have been so very faithful to me over the course of my life, showing Your care and provision time and again. I'm so grateful for the way You have walked with me, sustained me, encouraged me, strengthened me, comforted me, and loved me in every season. Thank You!" ROH

"And they sang responsively, praising and giving thanks to the Lord, 'For he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever toward Israel."   Ezra 3:11

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