
January 4

Brrr!  It has been so cold! The single digit temperatures pack such a punch I've been wearing my ugly UGGS around the house.  The other night, while watching bowl games, I took a biblical approach and said to my man, "Give me that body to warm me up!"

"Also, on a cold night, two under the same blanket gain warmth from each other..."
Ecclesiastes 4:11

We went out for a delicious New Year's Eve dinner with friends and they were so thoughtful.
While they had heated seats up front, they brought a beautiful blanket for us in the back seat!  We used it!

"In his old age King David was confined to his bed; but no matter how many blankets were heaped upon him, he was always cold."  1 Kings 1:1  

While I'm longing for a blanket of snow to cover Shiloh, I am thankful for the covering of God's love over each of us.  As we are in this transformation process of becoming like Christ may we remember 1 Peter 4:8 and extend a blanket of love to others!

"Above all, keep fervent in your love for one another, 
because love covers a multitude of sins."

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