To Be...Choosing What is Best

June 5
Last fall our home was discombobulated!  We were replacing the carpet in two bedrooms and were having our floors refinished. We didn't want to have to store furniture, so bedrooms were packed to the hilt!
I don't do well in disarray: "a state of disorganization or untidiness.  Some of you are laughing out loud, because with seven children all these years and almost eleven grandchildren, more often than not things are discombobulated!  The joy of being with those folks overrides my "need for order...everything has a place" personality. I'm learning to be Mary when people are here, but Martha is gritting her teeth to get in gear when they leave!

Our spiritual lives get discombobulated too.  Just as I've been typing three emails have popped up and the first two I stopped to read!  We read a quick devotional here, step into church Sunday and try to concentrate on the sermon, but sometimes we start jotting down grocery items instead of sermon notes.  We will shoot off popcorn prayers knowing God is listening and those are meaningful, but we need to be like Mary, choosing what is best, and daily stopping, dropping, praying and just sitting at the feet of Jesus ready to receive!

"But the Lord answered and said to her, 'Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered about so many things; but only one thing is necessary, for Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her."  Luke 10:41-42

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