Looking Forward
August 31 What I really want to write about is what a God thing the geese flyover in DC at the Restoring Honor rally was, but that's not what God gave me for today. I find at this stage of life I awaken most mornings having no clue what day it is. The exciting thing though is that my mind searches its radar for what I am looking forward to. Seven years ago one of our sons was in a tragic accident. Driving to UVA for a check up a few months later he said, "You know Mom, I used to wake up and think about what I dreaded most about the day, now I wake up thankful to be alive." Let's make a list of what we think God looks forward to each day. 1) Welcoming His children home to heaven. 2) Quiet chats with His children 3) Hearing the praises of His people 4) The birth of a new believer 5) Watching His children hunger for the Lord. Wow, those are so analogous with what earthly parents look forward to! We love to see our kids come through the door, hear how their day has been a...