Infectious Exuberance
September 1 Delving into Francis Chan's book, Crazy Love, I was fired up by Publishers Weekly's comment… "Chan writes with infectious exuberance, challenging Christians to take the Bible seriously." That comment alone was life changing. Am I living with infectious exuberance? Ha, we are living with something bizarre. The other night at dinner a woman came up and offered to take a family group shot for us. Introducing ourselves, we came to realize she and her husband live in our cove. As we explained where we lived she responded, "Oh, you are those Bible people." Well, we've been called a lot of things, but Bible People was a first! This photo of our son and grandson is one of my favorites. It's speaks to the importance of parents guiding their children into the future. My prayer today is that this next generation will guide their children with an infectious exuberance which is pleasing to God. This passage from Paul and Timothy i...