Discern, Discipline, & Deceive

From Blackaby's When God Speaks, Wk 1 Day 2

Man shall not live by bread alone;
but man lives by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord.
Deuteronomy 8:3

"God does not speak to us merely so we can have a warm, devotional thought.
God's words are essential to our lives.
God's words bring life!
God's word never leaves someone or something the same.
God's Word is far too important for us not to take it seriously.
We should encourage each other to testify to what we are hearing from God."

I had a rough encounter Sunday. For moments I felt like I was being battered by a rough tide...being thrown into shore and safe on the sand, then flung back out into the depths of the sea again. It began when I picked up my husband's travel mug from the car to take inside. I didn't realize there was still coffee in it. My arms were loaded down with groceries and a knitting project I had been working on for a couple months and almost had completed. The project was a beautiful powder blue shawl to wear to my son's wedding in January. While I was walking to the front door, I was jostling coffee all over the shawl.

My familiar "it is not of eternal value" phrase eventually came out of my mouth, but my heart was aching. Then the Lord revealed some pride problems.
Why had I invested so much time and money into this knitting project,
that was all about me? As I continued to listen, some of the thoughts were harsh and I began to wonder if God was punishing me for something by allowing this to happen. It took discernment to sort the thoughts from God and the ones from the enemy.

Three words jumped out at me:
Discernment-the quality of being able to grasp & comprehend what is obscure.
Discipline - training that corrects, molds, or perfects
the mental faculties or moral character.
Deceive - to ensnare, to take

When God disciplines us, He does so with love!

Let's pray: God, you are holy and just; you are loving, compassionate and merciful...even in Your disciplinary movements. Forgive us when we falter and allow us to give thanks when You take time to correct us. You are amazing God! We love You. In Jesus' Name, Amen

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