If You're Happy & You Know It

September 10

The righteous shall be glad in the Lord, and trust in Him.
Psalm 64:10

Living in complete joy requires living in complete confidence in God."
Dee Brestin

Boo thought: If you're happy and you know it, shout "Amen!" If you're not, then you need a large scoop of Jesus to start your day!
I just turned on a light and this computer in total confidence that the power lines have provided electricity to my home, way out in the countryside. In moments I will stand in a shower never doubting that water will spew from a shower head and even be warm! Then I will flick the switch on a hair dryer totally expecting it to blow warm air and dry my hair. Proceeding to my kitchen I anticipate that the refrigerator has kept my milk cold all night, our coffee maker will automatically have my husband's coffee ready for him at 6:00 and the microwave is waiting to warm up whatever we stick in it! Then we will sit ourselves in a vehicle that we have assurance we can drive us to school. All these things created by humans beings, I put my trust in.

Do I once think about the fact my fingers are functioning (and thus my brain) in a magnificient way to be able to type on these keys, that my body will thrill to the sensation of the water in the shower and that God knows every hair on my head I will dry this morning (and some will fall out, but He will keep an exact count)? How about the reality God created my tastebuds in a way they will delight and tingle when they taste the fresh granola and yogurt I will consume? And don't even get me started on the way I feel when my husband kisses me good morning or I hear the laughter from the children's voices at school! My God is amazing and my ultimate source of confidence and joy! He may call me home today, but because I know Jesus as The Way...it is well with my soul, whether here on earth or in heaven.

Let's Pray: We love You, Father and put our trust in You today, thus being able to step out into today confident and joyful because we are in your care and we know how much you care about us. May the smiles on our faces lead others to ask.....Just what are you up to?" May our response be..."Just loving my Savior all the day long!" In Jesus Name, Amen

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