A Mission to Redeem the Lost

A Mission to Redeem the Lost Week One, Day 4

"Perhaps the most significant times that God speaks to you are when He wants you to understand a new dimension of who He is. You will never attempt the impossible until you believe that the God who commands you to do so is an all-powerful God. You will never be able to forgive others genuinely until you understand the incredible price God was willing to pay to forgive you. All of your activity with God is based on your understanding of who He is. God reveals himself to us progressively. God is on a mission to redeem a lost world. God expects people to adjust their lives to Him so that He can work through them to bring others to Himself."

For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.
Luke 19:10

God's purpose is clear...He wants as many of his children headed to heaven as possible. It makes sense that His purpose for each of our lives will be related to that same end. Chuck Colson said, "It is not what we do that matters, but what a sovereign God chooses to do through us." God's thoughts are not our thoughts, nor His ways our ways (Isaiah 55:8-9) so it is necessary that we ask Him as David did...
"Show me Your ways, O Lord; Teach me Your paths." (Ps. 25:4)

Today I made the 5th person in line at the only check out open at Kroger. They had a girl on duty at the 4 empty check yourself out counters. I asked her if I could just do that even thought I had a cart full and not the 20 item or less limit. She was very agreeable and stood and watched as scanned and bagged every item. By the time I got to looking up the produce, which was quite difficult for me to see some of the code numbers on some items, she did offer to help do that. When I finished she said "You are a very patient person." Hmm, would God say that?

What efforts do we go to when we find something or someone lost to return them to their rightful owner? (Items, children, pets, etc). I bet you know someone who is separated from their heavenly Father. What efforts are we making to return them to the fellowship they were created to enjoy?

Let's Pray: Lord, we thank You for your patience with us. Of course, You know the outcome in advance! Help us to exhibit a longing to hear from You, no matter the time frame, because of who we know You to be. All powerful, all knowing, ever present, up to only good! Father, may we spend so much time with You that your thoughts do become our thoughts and that would include making us mission minded...yep on a mission to reach the lost! In Jesus Name, Amen

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