Not What They Seem

October 27
The brother in humble circumstances
ought to take pride in his high position.
But the one who is rich should take pride
in his low position, because he will pass
away like a wild flower. For the sun rises
with scorching heat and withers the plant:
its blossom falls and its beauty is destroyed.
In the same way, the rich man will fade away
even while he goes about his business.
James 1:9-11

Things are not always as they seem.
The poor may feel like they are weighted down,
on the ground side of a see saw, when in reality,
if they are trusting in the Lord the richness of their
faith puts them on top.
The wealthy, who think they are riding high, without
Christ, become humbled when they realize the
blood of Jesus cannot be bought. While they are
in pursuit of material things, the brevity of life and
the opportunity to store up treasures of eternal
value are racing by.

A vocabulary for my students this week is
vague: not clearly expressed or understood.
The message of salvation is very clear.
Jesus came to this earth for sinners and His
desire is that none should perish, but have eternal life.

Let's Pray: Lord, you are so clear in your love for
for all of us, rich and poor alike. Give us eyes to
see others as You see them, precious in Your sight.
Your children are treasured by You and may we
treat others with the respect due them. Today help
us to see the good in everyone. May we look at them
and think...hmmm, I wonder what purpose God had
in mind when He created this person? Does this
person know how much he/she is loved?

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