
October 20

Triumphant ...we can TRI with all our own UMPH, but is ANT
going to be eternally successful (tested by fire) if it doesn't
have the blessing of the Lord.

Today's lesson from When God Speaks is one that leaves me
exuberant, because I have seen it played out so truthfully in
my life. The reality of closed doors in our lives is justified in
two powerful statements.
1)God never gives a large assignment to someone who is
2)What appeared to be a closed door was God's way of guiding
me into a ministry which far surpassed what I could ever have
dreamed of doing for God.

Blackaby poses these questions:
"What are some of the doors that have closed for you?"
"How did you respond?"

I listed five biggies from my life and answered number two with:
"Disappointed at first, but now I see the blessing."

Let's Pray:Father, You are the CEO of our lives and we need to
trust you with the final decision making. Forgive us when we
attempt to push projects through without consulting You.
Thank You for doors that have closed in our lives and kept us
from avenues we did not need to be traveling. Your ways are
triumphant and we will stand rejoicing at the successes You bring.
In Jesus Name, Amen

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