
December 17

The word on my heart this morning was reign.
Great word! I began to sing "And He will reign for ever
and ever!" (Coming right from Ex. 15:18)

Do you ever analyze where your dreams have come from?
Sometimes I do that with the words God gives me. Last
night my husband was watching Fox News and listening
to the latest of the Chicago mess and I kept hearing the
phrase "President Elect." Maybe that had me thinking
about the reign of Christ and the hope in 2 Tim. 2:12
If we endure, we will also reign with him.

Then I laughed and thought, maybe it was "rain" for all
day yesterday and last night I was coming in and out of
the rain. By my bed are several devotionals I enjoy, but
rarely get to read these days. Selecting one called "God
Calling" my faith was increased and the reality of God
being so very personal confirmed. Check out what I read
for Dec. 17th.
"Conditions of Blessings"
"Rejoice in the fact that you are Mine. The privileges
of the members of My Kingdom are many. When I said of My
Father, 'He maketh His Sun to rise on the evil and the good,
and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust,' you will
notice it was of temporal and material blessings I spoke.
I did not mean that believer and unbeliever could be treated
alike. That is not possible. I can send rain and sunshine
and money and worldly blessings equally to both, but of the
blessings of the Kingdom that would be impossible."

For me the message was not about reigning or was
about how real and personal our God is! He speaks and I need
to remember to take time to listen!

Let's Pray: Reign in our lives Lord! Be forever
real! Savior like a Shepherd lead us and rain down Your hope upon
us on parched days that tend to zap our strength. Father, Christmas
treats will abound in the days forth coming, but there is nothing
that can compare with tasting of Your goodness. We love You.
In Jesus Name, Amen

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