Sustaining Peace

December 28
A violent stomach virus has been flying through our family
this Christmas. Frustration sets in as a mother when you
can do nothing to relieve the symptoms of such an illness.
The prayer..."Father give them sustenance to get through
this" has floated off my tongue.Sustenance is defined as
something that gives support, endurance, or strength;
to sustain is to give support or relief to.

Finishing up a study of Luke, I am thinking about what
was sustaining the apostles after the crucifixion and
resurrection of Christ. They were hanging out together.
Can you imagine their conversations? Then Jesus shows up
and scares them speechless! They think He is a ghost.
He says...Peace be with you!

In Beth Moore's "Personal Reflection Series" she asks the
reader to consider what their countenance would reveal if
a photograph was taken of them. Does our countenance
reflect a peace of someone who is walking with Christ who
sustains them?

A comment I made to one of my children reveals a false
since of joy that we can be trapped into...I said, "When
my children are happy, I am happy." My children's joy
cannot be where my peace comes from. Yes, I continue to
pray for happiness in their lives, but the Lord has them
on their own journey and it will by no means be one without

My peace must come from Christ alone and the remembrance
that He is always in the photo with me!

Let's Pray: Heavenly Father another year
has come and gone,it was just a blink to You. We thank You
for sustaining us through the ups and downs. If we close
our eyes right now and call to Jesus, He is here. Jesus
whispers, "I love you my friend" and we are strengthened to
go on and face another day in peace, believing in the promises
by faith. Praying in the name of our Lord, Amen

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