An Enormous Wild Hare or...

June 27-28

While out for a stroll in the yard with Moses, out dashed either
an enormous wild hare or the tiniest spotted fawn with the fluffiest
white tail I have ever seen. It sprung out from under our hammocks
and headed around the house. Walking that way, we encountered the
creature again. Being startled by us she did the fifty yard dash into
our woods. Dumbfounded I said to Moses..."Was that bugs or bambi?"

Things are not always as they seem. The person we take for being
snobby and arrogant, may be painfully shy or in survival mode just
trying to deal with what life has dealt them. The big house, the
fancy car, and designer clothing may all be on a card that didn't say
Happy Birthday!

One thing is for certain...God's love!
For I am the Lord, I do not change. Malachi 3:6

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