
June 9
Honestly, I wanted to change the word the Lord gave me this AM. What am I
to do with that one Father, there's not a lot to go on? A Beth Moore quote
came to mind which set my mind a whirling. "Faith is putting God in every
fill in the blank."
See where God takes you today by filling in the sentence:
Shoot me an email at and let me see what He does.

Making the best of a difficult situation reflects Romans 8:28.
Making others feel loved brings me joy.
Making meals for my family should be counted a privilege, not a chore.
(Making their that is one they can do! Smile)
Making Christ my first love, makes life flow in the manner God intended.
Making my tongue an instrument of healing beats the alternative.
Making time to sit and know that He is God takes me on a journey which
thrills my heart and strengthens my existence.
Making time to write this devotional each day keeps me closer to the Lord!

Hmm, that wasn't such a bad idea after all Father. Thank you.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding,
in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight.

Let's Pray:
Heavenly Father, You have the best plan for ordering our days!
Why is it so difficult then for us to surrender to Your ways?
Have us walk away from the places we need not be.
And open our hearts and eyes to see what we should see.
Mold us and make us into Your own
Keeping us mindful we are never alone!
In Jesus Name, Amen

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