Configuring Updates

September 3

Turning on my computer this morning it was in spin mode...
nothing was happening, so I shut it down to start over. When
it came back on it said, "Configuring Update".

What a picture of our spiritual lives...they are never complete
this side of heaven and in constant need of updates! So let's
open God's Word today and "reboot" our lives. His Word is never
out of date for it is living and sharper than any two edged sword!

Let's Pray: Father of the Living Word, breathe Your
breath on us today. Help us lay our woes and fears quickly at Your feet.
Erase the pain, the doubt, any anxiety and on a clean slate in red marker
write Jesus Loves You and may we wear that fact in clear sight today.
Give us a hunger for Your Word which will never cease. Fill us to overflowing
so we have plenty of Jesus to give away to others today. Thank You for your
constant updates! We love you Lord. In Your Name, we say Amen!

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