Something's Gotta Give

September 21
Falling back to sleep this morning after being roused by my husband, I awakened in a panic knowing I would be late for school. I rolled over and said, "Something's gotta give in this life, we can't keep going like this."

Priorities- something given or meriting attention before competing alternatives.

Rushing to get out the door, all I know is my time with Jesus has to be numero uno.
His way is the best way and without sitting and being still before Him there is no
way to know!

Let's Pray: Lord, I think there was a song I heard once about you that had a lyric which said, "Closer than a heartbeat." Forgive me when I rush and run on my own
steam, forgetting the greatest gift ever given to me gave me the gift of the Holy Spirit to guide me in all things. Because of the Holy Spirit, Father you are closer than a heartbeat. May the smile on my face today show others that while the world may be going crazy and even the events close to be at times to be out of control I can smile in total peace because I have a piece of the Trinity in me! In Jesus Name, Amen
Let's step into today singing praise! May our smiles and our joy make others very curious about us!

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