
February 16
Being stuck in a rut has been a literal problem around here with all the snow.
When I awakened this morning with that word on my mind I was taken back to my childhood when a record would get stuck in a rut from a scratch and play the same note over and over. Sometimes the needle would hit something that sent the arm sliding across the whole album.
A winter like we have had, especially not seeing the grass for weeks, can cause dispositions to be a little rutty. I can't seem to remember a time in the Bible where Jesus was stuck in a rut, bored or frustrated with life. The secret to His success was recognizing the need for prayer and always looking to the Father.

Fling a little spring into your life and the lives of those around you today. Instead of hot chocolate, serve up some lemonade and a scripture which is full of happiness. Choose to allow the Holy Spirit to smile out of you today instead of keeping him wrapped up deep inside of you. Get out of the winter rut and look to the Lord in expectancy of a new thing being done today!

The precepts of the LORD are right, giving joy to the heart. The commands of the LORD are radiant, giving light to the eyes. Psalm 19:8

If we let the SON shine and all our days will be brighter.

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