
July 17-18
Walking up Moonriver Lane this morning I decided to do "ABC" prayer or praise. This is when you take a letter of the alphabet and ask the Lord to place on your heart a praise or prayer request beginning with that letter. When I got to "N" the word "napkin" came to mind. I was stumped at first and asked the Lord if there was a message in that word.
A napkin is a protective covering, which is what the Holy Spirit is for us spiritually. When we confess our sins and accept Christ, we are sealed...covered by the Holy Spirit.
A napkin cleans up our messes. You know when that little bit of soup dribbles out your mouth or that glob of mayonnaise gets caught in the crevice of you mouth. Jesus came for the same clean up our messes! :)
A napkin sometimes gets stained. A little bit of my blueberry salsa stuck on one the other night.
Sin had left a crimson stain, but Jesus washed it white as snow.

This is stretching it but....
When believers take their final "nap" they will be with "kin".

Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name,
he gave the right to become children of God—
John 1:12

If you are struggling today and think God is taking a long time in hearing your cries. Email me at and I will send you two encouraging devotionals today. One is #110 from Psalms Now and the other is July 17th from Streams in the Desert.

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