Wondering, Waivering, Waiting

July 13
Chatting away about life in the kitchen with friends this past weekend a phrase popped out of my mouth that had me scrounging in a drawer for a pen and paper.

Sometimes don't you wonder what God is up to, to the point it causes you to waiver in your faith? Then you realize in the wait for the tides to turn He has grown your faith in amazing ways which might not have been accomplished any other way.

Joseph's brothers certainly brought despair into his life and he had a lot of waiting periods, but God was always at work.
In the end he was able to look at those men and say,
You meant evil against me, but God meant it for good. Genesis 50:20

Grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
1 Peter 3:18

Father, You are always at work and amazing are the works of Your hands. Ah, Lord to have your stamina. When our hearts begin to wain, wondering if the wait or often weight of life will pass, please bring to mind the wonders of Your ways. Thank You for stories such as Joseph's and the pictures of hope they paint. In Jesus' Name, Amen

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