Hope and Courage

August 3
The list is long of people for whom I am waiting to hear medical results.
Nancy Leigh DeMoss had on her site a link to a video done by a young woman named Rachel Barkey. www.deathisnotdying.com
It is not for the faint in faith or actually maybe that is part of its purpose.
Rachel challenges us with four principles which are key to life:
Know God, know yourself, know the Gospel and know your purpose.
Asking my husband what he felt his purpose was we chuckled at his response...
"To keep you happy!"
Whew, that is too tall an order for any man to keep a woman happy.
That is why God sent Jesus!

One of my friends was sharing she hoped for good results today from a scan.
I looked up the definition of hope.
Hope: to cherish a desire with anticipation.
(Don't you love that?)
My friend's six year battle has been so courageous and spurred more people on to proper priorities than she will ever know.
Looking up courage, the dictionary should have had many of your names as examples: mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty.
So my dear friends it is with hope and positive expectancy I entrust each of you to God's care today knowing you will choose to be courageous as you face today!
Love, Boo

Give us today our daily bread. Matthew 6:11

Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the LORD.
Psalm 31:24

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