Not Fully Charged

January 20
My first six months of 2011 are crammed full of activities, most which are not of my initiative but involve the lives of those I love. Yesterday, I found myself a bit agitated recognizing all the loose ends which need to be tied for completion. The weather was a balmy 48 degrees and I decided to fore go some chores and take a walk.
For Christmas my daughter and her husband had given me a blue iPOD Shuffle. If you aren't familiar with these technological wonders they are basically a one inch square, half inch thick, stereo which clips onto your clothes and holds hundreds of songs! Amazing!
Opening the box I was excited to load songs onto it from my computer and plug in the earphones and go for a walk. Reading the directions (ah, such an informative process) I noticed the iPOD had to be plugged into an activating computer for three hours before it could be used.
Disappointed, because praise music always enhances my walking pace, I set out without sound.
Probably not twenty paces out the Lord was quick to say... "Your problem is you are not fully charged. You've put a lot into the past few days, but not enough alone time with Me."
He was right. While I had enjoyed the fellowship of several of my children and basked in the overflowing love of my grandson, the inner most parts of my soul had not been plugged into the Word. (Confession...I did the 18/19th blog before I left town not wanting to take time away from my grandson.)
We function better when we stay connected to the one who knows us best.
That is why 1 Thessalonians 5:17 says to "Pray without ceasing."
Psalm 107 says, "He satisfies the longing soul."

Thinking back to the iPOD I came up with a this...I Pray Over Decisions!
Stay plugged into the One who loves you most.

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