Beautiful Picture


March 10

Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me and I will be whiter than snow.
Psalm 51:7
Last week when we went to visit our grandson we took an art easel. Loving to construct, he really enjoyed watching my husband put the easel together. There are two sides to the easel...a dry erase board and a chalk board. Both of these materials offer a way out when you make a mistake. What a blessing that God had the same idea when He sent Christ, out of the comforts of heaven, to come to earth and be the Eraser for our mistakes.
The boards on the easel are not cleared without some effort on the artist's part. The eraser must be picked up and put into action. Likewise, the forgiveness of our sins takes action on our part. We must set up the initial account accepting Christ as our Savior. After that we must actively confess our sins and ask to be washed as white as snow.
What a beautiful picture of love!

God, you've always got your A game on. We know You do not slumber, nor sleep and probably don't even blink. Our days are filled with mess ups, but Your Son, the Redeemer for our sins is oh, so, perfect. Yes, He is altogether lovely. Father, it is our heart's desire to be like Christ. Examine us today and may our mouths spit out the confessions of sin which have us bogged down; and may our slates be washed clean so that we might step into today as a beautiful picture of a life filled with Christ. In Jesus' Name, Amen

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