Relax and Be Molded

March 28
Sitting in the dental chair, awaiting the electric drill, the dentist lifts up his arm brandishing his large Novocain needle. He grabs your jowl and begins shaking it as he said.... "Relax". The doctor pulls out the pointed, rubber, hammer to check your reflexes as you sit on the side of his examination table. The command comes before he gives you a whack..."Relax". Even the luxury of a massage can cause the human body to stiffen, in resistance, as a stranger begins to work deeply into your muscles.
The Lord brought to mind the phrase..."Not my will, but Yours" and the song lyrics to:
Have thine own way Lord, Have thine own way.
You are the Potter, I am the clay,
Mold me and make me after thy will,
While I am waiting, yielded and still.

Do we offer resistance or does God find us relaxed and pliable when He comes alongside us to make adjustments? The fatherly recommendations comes: "You need to forgive that person."
Is our response, "You are right Lord" or "You've got to be kidding me, after what they did to me. I'll never go near them again." The bitterness wells up inside us. We refuse to mold to Christ's likeness by offering forgiveness. When we are out of His will and holding onto our ways, some marvelous experiences for God's glory, coming down the pike, pass us by. The fact that God is righteous and sees all is never taken into consideration and we feel the best outcome for the circumstances will come from our control. This sequence occurs because we are thinking aboutself not about God's will.
The the pain is horrendous, the diagnosis comes and life as we knew it is out the door. How unfair. What have we done to deserve these health issues that rob us of life's simple pleasures. Then the voice comes..."My child, I am so glad you know me as Savior and Friend. Thank You for suffering alongside me. We have work to be done here. See the doctor and that nurse over there? They are so wrapped up in their careers and finding ways to help their patients that they have no time for Me. My hope is that your joy and love for Me will influence them. I love them so much and long for a relationship with them. Are you willing to help? Oh, and dear one, next time when you are in the waiting room with all the other patients will you follow My lead and put your arm around the ones I point out and hand them a scripture card. So many are fed up with Me for allowing this disruption in their lives. If they only knew my tactics are full of purpose. It is the quickest way for me to reach them and their family members, because right now their names are not in the Lamb's Book of Life."

Song writing doesn't seem to be registering on my career path right now, but the Lord quickly gave me these lyrics in song form the other day and they kind of go along with relaxing and going with God's flow.
If it's not for Your glory
If it's not for Your gain
Keep me far from it Father
In Your will may I reign.

Open our eyes Lord, open our eyes.
Help us remember we're not to disguise,
All of the ways Lord, You love us so well,
Give us the courage about Jesus to tell.

Father, may we chill out, relax in Your presence, and offer no resistance to the plans You have before us. Trust and obey, we know there's no better way. In Jesus' Name, Amen

We don't know the Father's timing.
Acts 1:7
He told them, "You don't get to know the time. Timing is the
Father's business. What you'll get is the Holy Spirit. And when the Holy Spirit comes on you, you will be able to be my witnesses in Jerusalem, all over Judea and Samaria, even to the ends of the world.

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